The Alliance

© Fotis Kafetsis / Click in nature / LIFE-IP 4 NATURA


The Greek Wildlife Alliance is a unique collaborative initiative of 11 environmental Non-Governmental Organizations, for the effective protection of the Greece’ s iconic species.

By combining the experience and expertise of its member organizations, the Alliance constitutes a strong partnership with the capacity to amplify the results of individual efforts.

In this way, Greek environmental NGOs and international NGOs working in Greece, which have played for decades a key role in advancing species’ and habitats’ conservation, are now expanding their actions and magnifying their impact.


We envision the well-being of wildlife and humans.

With the Greek Wildlife Alliance as our vehicle, we join forces and create a collaboration to conserve our natural wealth for future generations. Utilizing our collective knowledge and experience, we strive alongside society to protect Greece’s biodiversity. We work together and maximize the impact of our actions.

© Ioannos Arvanitakis-Efthimiou / Click in nature / LIFE-IP 4 NATURA


The Greek Wildlife Alliance is governed by collectively prioritized values and goals. In this context, the programs implemented within its framework serve one or more of the following thematic goals:

Goal #1 Goal #2 Goal #3 Goal #4 Goal #5
© Zack Orfanoudakis / Click in nature / LIFE-IP 4 NATURA

#1 Increase the management effectiveness of terrestrial and marine protected areas

with a focus on targeted species hotspots- and the inclusion of key conservation measures in all relevant management plans.

© Katerina Mirtsiou / Click in nature / LIFE-IP 4 NATURA

#2 Improve wildlife stewardship and rehabilitation:

facilitate and increase stakeholder engagement in the planning and implementation of management activities, especially in protected areas.

© Fotis Kafetsis / Click in nature / LIFE-IP 4 NATURA

#3 Promote human-wildlife coexistence

with collective and collaborative actions across communities, authorities, and the business sector to co-create and implement solutions.

© Athanasios Nalmpanths / Click in nature / LIFE-IP 4 NATURA

#4 Mitigate anthropogenic threats to species

including unintentional catches in fisheries, wildlife trade etc. Increase the integration between economic and business sectors, and species’ conservation.

© Christos Sallas / Click in nature / LIFE-IP 4 NATURA

#5 Increase knowledge in applied research

to promote assessment of threats and the development of effective conservation measures, especially for less known species.

Member Organizations

The 11 member organizations of the Greek Wildlife Alliance are: