© Georgios Vilaras / Click in nature / LIFE-IP 4 NATURA



Medium to large ungulates, mainly free-range livestock, but also wild animals, depending on availability. Also, smaller mammals, garbage and carcasses from slaughterhouses and other food sources of anthropogenic origin. Occasionally it also consumes fleshy fruits.


1-1.5 m long and 20-40 kg in weight.


Up to 10 years.

Level of conservation

Vulnerable (Red Data Book, Greece, 2009)

It is the mammal with the second widest distribution in the world, after humans, and it is the largest species of the canine family.

External feautures

Its chest is muscular, and its legs are extremely strong and tall, so that it can reach high speeds (up to 40km per hour). It has a large head and 42 teeth, with large canines that can grow up to 7 cm long. Its coat is predominantly brown with a characteristic grey back.


It is one of the most adaptable large mammal species. It lives in small and isolated groups, forming packs. In Greece it is found in the lowlands, semi-mountainous and mountainous areas, where food is available all  year long.

Population in Greece

Approximately 700 individuals.

Fun Fact!

The wolf’s strongest sense is that of smell.  It’s notable that wolves can “smell” their prey, from as far a distance as 3 km.
