© Panagiotis Laskarakis / Click in nature / LIFE-IP 4 NATURA

Balkan chamois


Grasses, flowers, buds and leaves of shrubs in the summer, mosses and grasses in winter.


1.10-1.30m length, 70-80cm heigh, 25-40 kg weight.


15-20 years

Level of conservation

Least concern (IUCN, 2021)

A symbol of freedom and endurance, the Balkan chamois belongs to the animal species of the Balkan peninsula categorized as endangered.

External features

It has a sturdy body, with a short tail. It’s readily recognized by its upright horns, hooked backwards at the tip. Its fur is light brown in the summer and turns to dark brown in winter, while its white head bears two dark stripes on the sides.


It lives on steep rocky slopes and subalpine meadows, at an altitude of 1,600-2,000m. In Greece, it is found in areas such as Pindos, Mount Olympus and Central Greece.

Population in Greece

500-700 individuals

Fun Fact!

The male Balkan chamois will mate with many females, but only after he has clarified his position vis-à-vis his competitors.