© Antonis Stoumpas / HOS BirdLife Greece
Hellenic Ornithological Society: 2023 impact
In 2023, within the framework of the program “Antipoison Stakeholder Network in Epirus”, the Hellenic Ornithological Society implemented activities targeted to the local society of Epirus, aiming at the protection of the Egyptian Vulture:
- The Stakeholders’ Network welcomed 27 new members. These stakeholders are informed individuals active in the area, helping improve the conservation status of various species
- 22 farms in the area were equipped with new, nonlethal predator protection methods (e.g. electric fences, foxlights etc.)
- Farmers continued to supply 2 feeding sites for vultures with carcasses. This way vultures do not need to attack farm animals, causing losses to farmers.
- 150 residents of the area participated in local community awareness raising events
- More than 58,500 people were reached through social media, media and press activities
Why is the Egyptian Vulture important?
Egyptian Vultures are part of the so-called “nature’s cleaning crew”, essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem and preventing the spread of diseases.
A few more words about the Egyptian vulture:
- It is the most threatened bird species in Greece
- There are only five (5) breeding pairs left in the entire country
- Egyptian Vultures are not targeted directly, but perish as collateral damage in illegal use of poison baits. The Egyptian Vulture, as a scavenger species, feeds on animal carcasses that may have been poisoned.