© Nasos Nalmpantis

Cinereous Vulture


Scavenging species, with a diet consisting of remains of medium to small-sized dead animals.


1.10-1.25 m in length, 7-11.5 kg in weight (males) and 12.5-14 kg in weight (females).


Maximum 39 years, but most commonly 20 years or less.

Level of conservation

Near threatened (IUCN, 2020)

The Cinereous Vulture is the largest bird of prey in Europe. It rarely flies far from its breeding area, and it is known for forming lifelong pair bonds.

External features

It has a short, wedge-shaped tail and its wingspan can reaches 3 meters. Juvenile Cinereous Vultures are usually black in color, while adults have a dark brown plumage.


Found mainly in woodlands, semi-mountainous and mountainous areas. It prefers areas with pine trees where it can build its nest. For many decades, the species’ only colony in the Balkans, was in the Dadia Forest. In 2018 a program began in Bulgaria for the reintroduction of the species, which has already resulted in nesting activities in that area, as well.

Population in Greece

90-100 individuals (20-22 breeding pairs).

Fun Fact!

The Cinereous Vulture, despite being one of the heaviest flying birds in the world, soar effortlessly in the sky, making their flight look like they move in slow motion.