© Michalis Chatzikirkas/ HOS- BirdLife Greece

Eleonora’s Falcon


Until the end of July (when breeding starts), it feeds mainly on large insects such as butterflies, winged ants, dragonflies, crickets and beetles. During the following season and until October, it feeds exclusively on migratory birds, a food source that is theoretically inexhaustible.


37-46 cm in length, 390 g in weight.


Estimated at 8-10 years.

Level of conservation

Least concern (Mediterranean, IUCN, 2021)

A fully migratory species, with an extremely limited distribution. During its migration it travels up to 9,000 km, flying.

External features

One of the most elegant falcons. It is dark in color and small in size, with long pointed wings and a long tail. Its wing coverts are dark, contrasting with its lighter colored flight feathers. Right underneath its eyes, one notices the characteristic, dark triangular spot, while the eye ring is bright yellow in males and bluish in females.


It winters in East Africa, mainly in Madagascar, and it returns to the islands and islets of the Aegean in April, to nest. During the breeding season, over 85% of the world population is concentrated in Greece, making it the most important country for the conservation of the species.

Population in Greece

12,300 breeding couples

Fun Fact!

During the period when the Eleonora’s falcon is feeding on migratory birds, it cannot capture them when they are wandering in the vegetation. It can only catch them in the air after colliding with them. In fact, when attacking its prey, it can reach a speed up to 250km per hour.