© Dimitris Papageorgiou

Endemic fish species of Prespa

Level of conservation

Of reduced interest: Prespa chub (2009) Vulnerable: Prespa loach, Prespa bleak, Prespa barbel, Prespa roach, Prespa nase, Prespa spirlin (2009) Endangered: Prespa trout, Prespa minnow (2009)

Twenty three (23) fish species have been recorded in the lakes of Prespa, nine (9) of which are endemic, making the fish fauna of the region one of the most important aspects of its biodiversity. Owing to this high degree of endemism, the lakes are ranked among the ten (10) most important wetlands in the Mediterranean, by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The nine (9) endemic fish species of Prespa and their sizes (maximum length):

Prespa bleak (Alburnus belvica): 13.6cm (male), 22cm (female)

Prespa chub (Squalius prespensis): 25cm

Prespa minnow (Pelasgus prespensis): 7.3cm

Prespa nase (Chondrostoma prespense): 27cm

Prespa loach (Cobitis meridionalis): 7cm (male), 11cm (female)

Prespa spirlin (Alburnoides prespensis): 13.1cm

Prespa trout (Salmo peristericus): 35cm

Prespa roach (Rutilus prespensis): 23.3cm

Prespa barbel (Barbus prespensis): 30cm